Jigarkhanian Marina Borisovna
Chief of "Manege" exhibition hall's Department of Modern Art.
Graduated from the Leningrad's I.E. Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Faculty of Art Theory and History.
Worked as guide at the State Hermitage Museum, as senior editor at M.E. Saltykov-Schedrin State Public Library and at "Russian Federation's Artist" publishing house.
Since 1996 she has been the head of "Manege" exhibition hall's Department of Modern Art. Marina Borisovna is involved in creating and maintaining the exhibition hall's collection of modern art.
Member of the Scandinavian Region's Association of Creative Workers.
Author of introductory articles to numerous catalogues devoted to exhibits in St. Petersburg, Moscow and abroad. M. Jigarkhanian has been published in newspapers and in art criticism magazines.
She has directed art exhibits in "Manege" which became major cultural projects in the life of St. Petersburg. These included "Cloakroom" (an exhibit of modern carnival costumes, 1992-1993), "Pilgrimage to the Island of Cither" (Love and Erotic Themes in Fine Arts, 1997), "Truly, Truly I Say unto You" (exhibit devoted to 2000th anniversary of Christianity, 2000).
M.B. Jigarkhanian has directed International Youth Festivals of the Baltic Countries ("ARTGenda", Copenhagen, 1998; Stockholm, 1999; Helsinki, 2000) and of the Mediterranean Region ("Big Torino", Turin, 2000).
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