1988 "Глупая лошадь", пятнадцать историй для певицы и пианиста. "Мелодия" А10-00377-004
1990 Monodia for female voice// Anthologie de la Melodie Russe et Sovietique. Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 972/73
1991 The Canterville Ghost, romantic scenes for three soloists and chamber orchestra// Le Chant du Monde LDC 288 009
1991 Lamento для виолончели соло// Њvres du XX siиcle pour violoncelle seul. Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1059
1996 Shramy Marsha (Scars of March), Passacaglia. Postludia ("In Some Exhausted Reverie"), O Heavenly King, Prayer to the Holy Spirit// Scarry March. Oleg Malov plays piano versions of works by Alexander Knaifel. Megadisc Classics MDC 7855
1996 Chapter Eight, canticum canticorum for church, chruses (children, mixed, male and female) and a cello// "Make me drunk with your kisses!" New spiritual music from Russia for church, choruses and cello. TELDEC Classics International 0630-10160-2
1997 A Silly Horse, fifteen tales for female (singer) and (male) pianist. Megadisc Classics MDC 7844
1998 O Comforter, Prayer to the Holy Spirit// Greetings from St. Petersburg. Mazur Media
2000 Lux aeterna for two psalm singers// Lux aeterna. ECM New Series 1695 465 341-2
2002 "In Air Clear and Unseen", stanzas with Tyutchev for piano and string quartet. Svete Tikhiy (O Gladsome Light), the Song of the Most Holy Theotokos for Tatiana Melentieva// Svete Tikhiy (O Gladsome Light). ECM New Series 1763 461 814-2 (LC 02516)